Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Eggs: Book II

At Lucindaville we were raving about our new chickens. They are still a bit skittish and will not be laying for several months, but they are getting to know their new home.

We are looking forward to lots of eggs, which means looking for new egg recipes. In addition to the chickens we picked up a two volume gem from the 1933 Chicago World's Fair. Eggs featured a volume on egg production and breeding and this volume of recipes.

Book II was a compendium of chicken and egg recipes for the adventurous housewife. Of course the book was ready to teach you how to accomplish that most French dish, the omelet. I was drawn to more fanciful recipes.

The drink section of the book gave up a treasure trove of interesting drinks with the most outlandish of titles. Perhaps because there are just so many uses for eggs, spending the time to invent really lovely sounding names was just too much trouble. My particular favorite is the Albumen Fruit Beverage. Stick that on a menu and see if you have any takers. (Still I am thinking there might just be a Cocktail At The Burn Pit with 'Albumen" in the name.) Then there is the very French Lait de Poule or Hen's Milk. Again, it does not sound that appetizing. But judge for yourself.

Albumen Fruit Beverage

1/2 c. orange or lemon juice
1 egg white
Honey to taste

Beat egg white into a froth, add fruit juice and strain. Sweeten. Serve cold.

Lait de Poule

1 egg
1/2 c. powdered sugar
2 tbsp orange flower water
1 c. boiling milk

Beat the egg, add sugar and orange flower water. Mix thoroughly and add hot milk, stirring as it is added.