Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Caviare to Candy

Mrs. Philip Martineau, sometimes known as Alice, wrote several cookbooks and a gardening tome or two or three. Caviare to Candy features recipes for small households from all parts of the world. This particular “new” edition Mrs. Martineau notes:

“…there are fashions in cookery as in all things and “Caviare to Candy” must be kept up to date. Readers have urged me to give more French dishes while some have said…I should tell them how to make and omelette, and how to prevent Brussels sprouts looking brown instead of green!

So here is good eating to you all, good appetite and a cook good enough to like experimenting.”

Caviare to Candy was updated in1933. Mrs. Martineau suggests Welsh Rarebit as a savory, but interestedly, with all the lovely hard English cheddar, she suggests Kraft cheese.

She laments the poor soul who lives in a small flat and thus, has very little room to hang game.

Since the poor old cook in one’s employ has rarely eaten in the finer restaurants. How Mrs. Martineau asks:

“…can one expect one’s cook to invent such a sauce as current jelly beaten into horseradish cream to eat with saddle of mutton – or to stuff French prunes with chutney as an alternative?”

I am definitely explaining to my cooks that she should add current jelly to the horseradish cream.

I keep coming back to this economical and emergency recipe.

Poached Eggs with Sweet Corn

A dish for an emergency

Make a white sauce of half a tin of sweet corn, butter and a spoon of milk or cream, pepper and salt.

Heap up and pour over the poached eggs, and garnish with tiny strips of fried bacon.

Well, you know most anything is better with fried bacon.