Thursday, November 19, 2009

Delightful Food

For some cookbooks it is the recipes that make them special, but there are other cookbooks with unique intangibles. One of these is Delightful Food by Marjorie Salter and Adrianne Allen Whitney. Rightfully so, the recipes are quite delightful.

The additional cache of this slim cookbook comes from the illustrations and the foreword.

The six plates interspersed throughout Delightful Food were painted by Oliver Messel, the artist, set designer and general man about town. The figures are drawn from plates and bowls of colorful food.

The introduction was written by Noel Coward over fifty years ago, and still rings true, today.

Of this book he writes:
"Nowadays everyone or very nearly everyone, cooks or has a specialité which they can whip up in a trice, everyone admits the Importance of Chives, everyone assumes a knowing look after the first bite or sup—“A pinch of cinnamon would have made all the difference,” they say – everyone has at least one recipe handed down from Great Aunt Laura or given to him by the chef of the remotest auberge in the Haute-Pyrenees; in fact, never has cooking been such fun."

With such a delightful cookbook, we chose a lovely lobster salad fit to serve to Noel Coward and Oliver Messel or to serve to your guests.

Lobster Alexandria

Yoghourt (1 bottle to two portions)
Diced cold lobster
Cucumber, cut in squares
Salt, pepper, lemon juice

Stir lobster into yoghourt, add cucumber and seasonings, Arrange in glasses. Trim with lobster coral and watercress.
Serve very cold.

Quick, easy and very beautiful, like Messel's illustrations. At the end of your meal you can listen to Noel Coward who will remind you, The Party's Over Now.SEE VIDEO TUTORIAL >>